Strategi Community Relations PT. Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit VI Balongan

Zena Reza Agatha, Mohammad Subur Drajat


Abstract—The emergence of various problems experienced by communities around the company area, such as social problems and environmental pollution. It is Pertamina's responsibility to overcome these problems. For this reason, PT. Pertamina RU VI established a CSR program. Based on the above phenomenon, the researcher intends to find out more about PT. Pertamina RU VI through the Zero Waste Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Program. This study uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach. In community relations activities there is a PR process in the form of a fact finding process through social mapping, problem formulation, planning and programming, the action and communication process, and the evaluation process. The PR activities carried out by the CDO are conducting direct communication routinely through regular meetings, and monitoring. Besides doing activities that are caritative, capacity building, and empowerment. PT. Pertamina RU VI carries out community relations activities to establish positive communication with the community, to comply with government regulations, social responsibility efforts, to change people's negative mindset towards companies, and to prevent conflicts from arising. The program was chosen based on the results of a social mapping study, the opportunity for oyster mushroom cultivation in Indramayu District, as well as using a zero waste system.   Keywords—Community Relations, Public Relations, and CSR


Community Relations, Public Relations dan CSR

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