Strategi Marketing Public Relations Bahagia Kopi

Fajar Rismawan, Dadi Ahmadi


Abstrak— The development of coffee in Indonesia has increased very rapidly not only from its production but from its consumption as well. The large number of coffeeshops that have sprung up especially in big cities have made this industry even tougher in competition that requires business people to carry out strategies to be able to survive and develop. Bahagia Kopi is a coffee shop that does this by carrying out a public relations marketing strategy to form a brand image among consumers. This research was compiled using descriptive qualitative methods by looking at the push strategy, pull strategy and pass strategy carried out by Happy Coffee. The process of collecting data is done by interviews, observations, literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the marketing public relations strategy carried out by Bahagia Kopi in building brand image uses three ways strategy, namely push strategy, pull strategy, and pass strategy. In attracting consumer interest, it is done by maximizing social media, promos. In encouraging consumers, it can be through services, gifts, cooperation with coffee shop reviewers. In making good public opinion through events such as "Nada Bahagia" and "Seduh Gratis", sponsorship, community cooperation.

Keywords— Strategy Marketing Public Relations, Three ways Strategy, Brand Image.


Strategi Marketing Public Relations, Three ways strategy, Brand image.

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Indonesia, Negara Penghasil Kopi Terbesar Keempat Dunia,

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