Representasi Profesi Public Relations Pada Serial Tv Search:Www

Ashry Ayu Permatasari, Muhammad Husen Fahmi


Abstract. Drama is a form of mass communication. Presented in a unique and interesting way that brings the audience into the story line, and not a few get carried away with emotion. As a form of mass communication, it is certainly present not only as entertaining and business only, but also conveys education and moral messages in each of the stories presented. Search drama: ww w is a very progressive drama showing how a woman is successful and skillful. Lead role as tammy bae, featuring ang has a simpler and chic style. He said the transaction would be carried out in accordance with the general policy.The purpose of this research is to find out how the image or mark portrayed by a director ora writer to reflect the strong character of a tammy as a public relations practitioner. In this case, the writer tried to convey that meaning through John fiske's approach. In which there are several levels which are performed to focus an image or mark displayed by tammy's figure. Which is the level of reality by taking signs through looks, behavior, dialogue. Then, for the level of representation, the author takes the art of filming, to reveal the underlying meaning of what the director is trying to convey. Then the third level of ideology level, the writer attempts to analyze the moral message to be presented in the drama. The findings found a mark that tammy's character is public relations with a good work ethic. In terms of reality, tammy displayed good eyesight, came out modern, and also had a good public speaking style, tammy's behavior was also very firm and responsive, and then tammy was very firm in moral as well as professional ethics. At the level of representation, the director often used medium shot and close up techniques, intended to show a sharp expression. The moral message to be conveyed in this drama is that a pr person must be able to be honest in any circumstances when it comes to his work, how much more must a pr person be able to control his emotions and hold on to his professional ethics.

Keywords:Representation, Semiotika, John Fiske, Public Relations, Etika Profesi


Representasi, Semiotika, John Fiske, Humas, Etika Profesi

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