Program #Mukbangkunafe sebagai Strategi Promosi Mempertahankan Eksistensi Bandung Kunafe di Kota Bandung

Indira Nanda Fadilla, Wulan Tri Gartanti


Abstract. Bandung Kunafe is a company engaged in the culinary field with Kunafe Cake and Round Bolen products. Bandung Kunafe is located in the city of Bandung, West Java since 2017, has a vision of becoming the biggest and most profitable contemporary Bandung company. With the main value of inserting Sundanese language in various ways as a characteristic of the city of Bandung. Through the products produced, it is expected to label the company as an artist's pastry shop that becomes a "souvenir of the city of Bandung" in the midst of the artist cake bankruptcy phenomenon in the city of Bandung which is increasingly widespread, so there is only Bandung Kunafe and one of its competitors can survive. This research is entitled "#MukbangKunafe Program As a Promotion Strategy to Maintain the Existence of Bandung Kunafe in Bandung City". The purpose of this research is to find out how the strategy and promotion process of the Bandung Kunafe company through various public relations activities, one of which is the #MukbangKunafe program that is unique because it is not carried out by other competitors because the programs carried out always follow current trends. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach that aims to find out the Bandung Kunafe public relations promotion strategy more broadly and in depth. The supporting data of this study were obtained through interviews with the main informants of this study, namely the winner of the #MukbangKunafe program and key informants here namely Marketing Public Relations Supervisor Bandung Kunafe, direct observation by researchers, documentation and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the Public Relations strategy especially in the field of Marketing in promoting the #MukbangKunafe program uses ATL (Above The Line), BTL (Below The Line), and TTL (Trough The Line). The #MukbangKunafe program uses "Unique Selling Proposition" to support the program's uniqueness. This strategy brings profit to both parties, namely consumers and companies. Benefits for program participants get the Nikon J5 Camera for first place, Smartphone Redmi Note 6 for second place, and Action Cam Xiaomi Yi for third place. The advantage for the company is that it makes Bandung Kunafe have its own position in the minds of the community as, creating a good image, and the name of the company is increasingly known and exposed to the community by the presence of these factors provides another advantage, namely increased sales of products (upselling).

Keywords: Promotion Strategy, Public Relations, Program, Bandung Kunafe.


Strategi Promosi, Public Relations, Program, Bandung Kunafe.

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