Opini Pelajar mengenai Gambar Penyakit Kronis pada Kemasan Rokok

Rachman Hadi Sabarian, Maman Chatamallah


The effort of government in decreasing the amount of smokers through government policy which obligates every cigarette producer to put chronic disease picture on cigarette packaging. This policy has earned the opinion of the student. the writer concerns to opinion formation of student through three components, that are conviction, the value that is experienced, and the expectation. (Heryanto and Ramaru, 2013:62). The aim of this thesis is to find out : how the conviction, the value that is experienced of SMA BPI 1 Bandung Students towards chronic disease picture on cigarette packaging, and the expectation of SMA BPI 1 Bandung Student towards the reduction of consuming cigarette. The writer use Slovin formula to get the samples. The samples that have been taken from its population which is 915, using Slovin formula so that writer got 90 respondents of SMA BPI 1 2015 students. The writer does some techniques to collect the data, that are spreading the questioners, where the result of the questioners are supported by interview technique and also literartures. The result revealed that the conviction the students of SMA BPI 1 toward the chronic disease picture on cigarette packaging is extremely high. The values that are experienced by most of SMA BP1 1 students toward the chronic disease picture on cigarette packaging is extremely high. The expectation of the most SMA BPI 1 students toward the chronic disease picture on cigarette packaging is extremely high. This category revealed that most of the students have a hope the chronic disease picture on cigarette packaging could decrease cigarette consumption in Indonesia.


Conviction, The Value That is Experienced, The Expectation, Chronic Disease Picture.


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Sumber Lain :

http://sosbud.kompasiana.com/2014/09/11/indonesia-peringkat-3-di-dunia-678501.html . Pukul 19.48. 29 Maret 2015.

http://www.jamuborobudur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/merokok-dapat-menyebabkan.jpg. Pukul 19.55. 29 Maret 2015.

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http://lifestyle.kompasiana.com/catatan/2014/07/01/penyadaran-bahaya-merokok-melalui-peringatan-bergambar-seram-665552.html. Pukul 18.55. 1 April 2015.

http://bahayarokokpelajar.blogspot.com/. Pukul 20.15. 15 Juli 2015

http://www.scribd.com/doc/134862265/Protection-Motivation-Theory. Pukul 21.48. 16 Juli 2015

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2249

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