Hubungan antara Pesan Iklan dengan Brand Image

Safira Fildzah Senjani, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati


Abstract— Advertising is any form of message about the product delivered by the company, through various media and financed by the company, which is aimed at certain circles or society at large. Over time, social media has become one of the most popular advertising media. At the end of January, Sasa published the ad "Generasi Micin" on several social media, one of them is twitter. This study aims to explain the relationship between advertising messages (X) on Generasi Micin ad and Sasa's brand image (Y). The theory used is cognitive response theory. The purpose of this study is to obtain data and information that provides an overview of the relationship between advertising messages on Generasi Micin ad and the brand image of Sasa among twitter followers @Sasa_Melezatkan. In this study, researcher used a quantitative correlational method with a population of 28,700 people. From this population, 100 people were selected as respondents using simple random sampling techniques. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires, the data that obtained are then analyzed using the Spearman Rank with the help of the SPSS 2.2. The results showed that (1) advertorial message has a strong correlations with brand image with the correlation coefficient of 0,718. (2) The connectedness element has a pretty strong correlations with brand image with correlation coefficient of 0,672. (3) The appropriateness element has a strong correlation with brand image with correlation coefficient of 0,764. (4) The novelty element  has a low but certain correlations with brand image with correlation coefficient of  0,326.

Keywords—Advertising, Brand Image, Cognitive Response Theory.


Iklan, Brand Image, Teori Respon Kognitif

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