Strategi Kampanye PON XIX 2016

Husein Fahmi, risqa syuri purwanti


This thesis entitled “The Campaign Strategy of PON XIX 2016. The case that is raised is about the Counting Down campaign strategy towards PON XIX who is done by Broadcasting and Service Sectorof PON XIX 2016. The aim of this thesis is to find out : Planning, Implementation, and evaluating system of campaign strategy that is applied by the Sector of PPM PON XIX 2016. The method that is used in this thesis is qualitative method with case study theory which is aimed to clearly describe and detailed about how the strategy that is applied on Counting Down campaign towards PON XIX 2016. However, the validation of data has gotten from three components of case study, that are : document, archives recording, interview, live observation, participant observation, and literatures. The subjects of this research that has been interviewed were the crew of PPM Sector, that are : Ateng Kusnandar as a Head of PPM Sector, Wawan Suwandi (Public Relations). And also there is complement informants that are Ananta Doris Amal as Event OrganizerThe research has revealed some results that the campaign that is done by PPM Sector crew by analyzing the case around that is caused where West Java will be the host of PON XIX activity in 2016, and the administration of West Java wants Internal Public and External Public are aware of this event.The second step is planning the campaign which is started by setting the goals of Counting Down Campaign, that are: To inform the public about PON activity that will be held in 2016. To remind to stakeholder who is involved on PON XIX 2016, to evaluate how ready the administration of West java is, from the tools, infrastructure, the preparation of athlete.


Campaign Strategy, Planning, Implementayion, and Evaluation


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.wikipedia. org/wiki/Seni_pertunjukan

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