Opini Remaja Terhadap Buku #88 Love Life

Defika Adike Widianti, Sri Setiawati


As we know, the book is the window of science and becoming a guideline for us to know the knowledge. The book can be used by anyone and do not know the age. Nowadays , the book is not only presenting science to learn, but also a source of information, entertainment, and making a hobby of reading books. The book is very closely related to the research that has been completed on the authors's research of this study which entitled "Opini Remaja Terhadap Buku #88 Love Life". the issues which is raised in this book are opinions of adolescents regarding this book. The #88 Love Life book is a motivational book that persuade the readers to love their life no matter how difficult life would be. This book is a best-selling book since it was first released in October 2014 until the month of April 2015. The method which is used by the researcher is descriptive analysis method,and the theory of public opinion is used of this research. The elements of public opinion in this research are beliefs, values and expectations about the # 88 Love Life book. The author conducted research in Zoe Corner which is a famous book rental place in Bandung city. The result of this research is showing that the confidence of respondents to the #88 Love Life book have good category, the values of the #88 Love Life book have a good category and expectations of the #88 Love Life book have a good category.


Public Opinion, Motivation Book, #88 Love Life


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2182

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