Hubungan antara Iklim Komunikasi Organisasi dengan Kinerja Karyawan Zoya

Isyana Ratu Azizah, Dadan Mulyana


This thesis entitled “The Correlation Between The Climate of Organization Communication with The Performance of Zoya Employee Bandung Areaâ€. According to the title the case that will be raised is how the correlation between trust, decision making, open downword communication, listening to upward communication, and the attention of high performance of working with the performance of Zoya Employee Bandung area. The identification of case in this research is, is there any correlation between the climate of organization communication with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area.the research is almed to know the correlation between trust, decision making, open downward communication, listening to upward communication and the attention of high performance of working with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area. The method that is used in this research is correlation method. This method is used to research and to find out the correlation between two variables (X variable and Y variable). The correlation method is almed to know how far the variation of the factor is related to the other (Rakhmat, 2009:27). The technique of collecting the data has been gotten by spreading the questionnaire, interview literature, and observation. According to the statistictest the result is there is correlation between the climate of organization communication with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area, there is the connection between trust with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area, there is the correlation between decision making with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area, there is the connection between honesty with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area,there is the correlation between being open to downward communication with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area,there is the correlation between listening to upward communication with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area,there is the correlation between attention with the performance of Zoya employee Bandung area.


Organization Communication, The Climate Organization Communication, The Performance of Employee, Zoya


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