Citra Presiden SBY Pada Kasus KPK Versus Kapolri di Koran Tempo dan Kompas

Bobby Heryawan, maya amalia oesman palapah


A feud kpk and police wasting a lot of attention , started to ngos , activists , lawyer , until people come to observer down a mountain demonstrated voice one word “save the kpkâ€. Not contained heavy support continued to pour in .This shows that the people of indonesia was very drape nation due in to kpk has made axis of the brittle .The chaos made indonesians questioned the performance of president susilo bambang yudhoyono , so, when demonstrasinya all the elements of the community who defended the kpk denounced the act of performance by the force arising chief of inp and questioned the president calls on a poster that bertulis “where are our president ?†so as to from the incident then all media , such as the print tempo and compass .An objective in research to know the syntactic , scripts , thematic , rhetorical in the imagery of president susilo bambang yudhoyono in the case of kpk versus chief of inp in a newspaper tempo and compass 8 edition , 9 , 11 october 2012. The research to know the story of the president ' s presentation to the kpk versus dikonstruksi by the chief of inp and the views of a syntactic structure the scripts, thematic structures, his research these structures retoris.dalam process using analysis method of analyzing the framing of the pan and zhongdan gerald m.Kosicki, where the surveyed is syntactic scripts, thematic, and rhetorical than news. The conclusion from this research seen from syntactic structure , the structure of scripts , thematic structure , rhetorical structure tempo underscored of speakers is revealed that with no dicopotnya chief of inp by the president of that image represents the president in handling a problem kpk and chief of inp not clear and not seriously to resolve the issue .While rhetorical compass element is emphasized imaging sby in handling these cases handled properly and firmly


Sintaksis, Skrip, Tematik, dan Retoris, News.


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