Fenomena Para Pengguna Game Online

Shendi Hendi Hendarlin, Dadi Ahmadi


Along the growing of technology rapidly as well as online game where in it, offers a various kinds of satisfaction for the audience. The purpose of this research is the author would like to try to explain what prompted these gamers for playing online games, what motive causes it, and what the categorization of the type of online game user. This research used a qualitative method with phenomenological approach, this requires a real picture of the activities, procedures, reasons, and interactions that occur in the context of the environment, in which the process was ongoing. Natural processes allowed to happen without the intervention of researchers, because the controlled process would not describe the real situation. Researcher do not transform the data into numbers to avoid loss of information that has been obtained. The meaning of a process was stated to make even the principle or theory as a result of the research findings. Based on the results of research and depth interviews with informants, it was found that the motive of self-actualization, the motive of affiliation, economic motive, and the motive entertainment becomes a dominant factor that encourages users to use games online. Several kinds of motif is found, therefore categorization of online game users are divided into several types, the type of connoisseurs, the type of fighter, and the type of farmer.


Gamer, Game online, Motive, Phenomenon.


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Sumber lain :

APJII, 2014. http://www.apjii.or.id/v2/read/page/halaman-data/9/statistik.html (diakses 27 Desember 2014)

Tadris, Teras. (2007). Efek Kecanduan PS dan Game online. http://id.wordpress.com/2007/12/kecanduan-ps&gameonline (diakses tanggal 29 Juni 2015).

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.2046

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