Pelayanan Komunikasi Museum Geologi dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kepuasan Wisatawan Lokal

Amira Candra Ardiani, Subur Drajat


Communication is part of service. Communication activities in services is very important and because of the main communication due to what happened, the results of the service can be measured the level of its success is through the output or response from consumers who have received these services. The process of communication of course influence on the quality of services provided, either in a government agencies and companies. One of the government agencies which located in Bandung namely Geology Museum. Geology Museum tries to create satisfaction for visitors to provide public services that good and professional. This study done to observe the communication services Geology Museum in efforts to increase the satisfaction of visitors.The purposes of this research, the author wants to know how the provision of services provide a service of Geology Museum (tangibles) in efforts to increase the satisfaction of visitors, how accurately convey services Geology Museum (reliability) in efforts to increase the satisfaction of visitors, how to respond to criticism and advice visitors of Museum Geology (responsiveness) in efforts to increase the satisfaction of visitors, how to build confidence and assurance in efforts to increase the satisfaction of visitors and how to be fair (empathy) Museum Geology visitors in efforts to increase the satisfaction of visitors.This research uses quantitative analysis by the descriptive. The author uses the method of research descriptive because this research has the goal to test the question of research relating to the state and current happenings so can describe systematically facts and the characteristics of an object or the subject of study properly. The results of this research to know that the communication impact on the satisfaction of visitors. Servqual theory prove that the Geological/Geology increase services provided especially visitors gratification from junior high school teachers accompanying the students


Communication, Communication Services, Satisfaction


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Sumber Lain :

Indeks Kepuasan Konsumen, Nomor: 63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003, tanggal akses 28 Juni 2015, pk. 18.57 WIB


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