Hubungan Antara Pagelaran Bajidoran Dengan Minat Mahasiswa Terhadap Kesenian Tradisional

Avianty Puji Laras, Dadan Mulyana


The development of traditional arts in today’s world is growing rapidly, however unfortunately these developments do not have high enthusiasm from the youths. The traditional arts most likely forgotten by people, even many of the arts are endangered because they are not preserved. Nowadays, the sense of pride in our cultural heritage was weakened with the influence of western culture, especially within the youths who prefer most of things that affected by western culture touch. We must acknowledge the existence and preserve these traditional arts. Hence, I wanted to raise up these forgotten traditional arts. Therefore, I would like to take the subject of bajidoran performance (one of the traditional arts that currently endangered) as my final project. Many youths are not aware of the existence of the bajidoran performance, especially among them who lack of an understanding about traditional arts. This Bajidoran performance have something in common with other jaipongan performances, by giving an entertainment from its dance movements, however the bajidoran performance is also supported by sinden, musical support, and stage arrangement. This final project aims to determine the relationship between bajidoran performance with the interest of students towards the traditional arts. I chose do my research and distribute my questioner to the students of “Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesiaâ€. The theory used in this research is the theory SOR of Hovland, Janis, and Kelley. And the method used in this research is correlational with questionnaire data, with simple random sampling as its sampling technique. While respondent in this study were STSI dance major students with total of 77 respondents. Based on the research that has been done, I tried to draw the conclusion that there is a significant correlation between the bajidoran performance with the interest of students towards the traditional arts. This is caused by the relationship between the frequency, attractiveness, credibility, and message content of the bajidoran performance. And the possibility that the bajidoran performance can influence and change the attitude of the respondent to have more interest and appreciate the bajidoran performance.


the bajidoran performance, student interest, traditional arts


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