Kajian Hubungan antara Penyampaian Pesan Keagamaan Tsani Liziah dengan Pengetahuan Keagamaan Komunitas MCM (Muslimah Cerdas Multitalenta) di Media Sosial

Nadia Ushfuri Amini, Maman Chatamallah


Correlation Between Religious Message Delivery by Tsani Liziah with Religious Knowledge of MCM (Muslimah Cerdas Multitalenta) Community in Social Media. The purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between religious message delivery of Ustadzah Tasni Liziah with religious knowledge of MCM (Muslimah Cerdas Multilatitalenta. The theory used is New Media, which the characteristics of social media become the stimulus of this research. It consists of participation, ability, community and connectivity. The participants of this research is the members of MCM (Muslimah Cerdas Multitalenta) community who are expected to be able to receive religious message deleivered by Ustadzah Tsani Liziah through WhatsApp Messengger in order to increase religious knowledge of the community which covers ritual dimension, experential dimension and intellectual dimension. The method used is correlational analysis which is intended to investigate correlation and degree of correlation between two variables or more. The X variable and Y variable in this research are ordinal scale. The techniques of data collection in this research are questionnnaire, interview and literature study. The population involved are 32 members of the community or the whole population, so the sampling technique used is total sampling technique. The result of the study shows that religious message delivered by Ustadzah Tsani Liziah has correlation with religious knowledge of MCM (Muslimah Cerdas Multitalenta) community Sukabumi.


Social Media, Religiousity, Message Delivery.


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Sumber lain :

WhatsApp, http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/WhatsApp. Tanggal akses 4 Maret 2015, pkl. 20.14 WIB.

WhatsApp, http://www.whatsapp.com/. Tanggal akses 11 Mei 2015, pkl. 10.15 WIB)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.1899

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