Efektivitas Akun Twitter @IdDKP sebagai Media untuk Gerakan Mengurangi Penggunaan Kantong Plastik di Masyarakat

Budi Setia Murni, Subur Drajat


This research entitled the effectiveness of a Twitter account @IdDKP as a medium for Motion reducing the use of plastic bags in the community. Effected by the environment that increasingly damaged, due to the plastic waste and lack of public awareness to guard it. Along with this, the development of social media that have great influence in creating the relationship of a fellow human being utilized by the Diet of plastic bags to Indonesia invites the community to make changes to the environment, through a twitter account @IdDKP. Twitter has the speed in providing the information utilized by @IdDKP to raise awareness of followers toward eco-friendly lifestyle. Then from that researchers interested in knowing clearly how effective the information disseminated through twitter as a medium in increasing awareness of the followers to the environment. This research was conducted in September to March on the twitter social networking and participatory observation on twitter. This research uses descriptive research methods with the techniques of data collection through the questionnaire, the study of librarianship and interviews. This research aims to make the description or depiction in a systematic, factual and accurate regarding the effectiveness of a twitter account @IdDKP as a medium for motion reducing the use of plastic bags in the community. As for the results of this research, the @IdDKP twitter account provide information that is clear, complete and current. The message has appeal and followers feel quite satisfied and happy against twitter account @IdDKP as the media dissemination of information on the diet of a plastic bag.


effective, social media, twitter, followers, environment


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.1824

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