Perencanaan Komunikasi Bank Mandiri Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan

tria islamiyati, M Subur Drajat


The Effective parent communication with their children in terms of child education will support the achievement of optimal learning achievement. Being a parent's career is a life choice. The reason they work because of a demand to meet the needs of the economy and a social demand at this point that encourages parents not only father and mother engage in work outside the home. Parents to a career decision can not be released from his responsibilities as the primary educator in the family. The success of the learning achievement of children in school, there is effective communication relationship with both parents. In connection with it, the writer is interested in conducting further research on the relationship parent communication with the learning achievement of children's career acceleration program in SD Muhammadiyah 7 Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of parent communications career and academic achievement of children. This research is expected to be useful to provide input and consideration for parents of a career in the field of communication sciences in particular and generally for other disciplines. The data obtained will be analyzed using quantitative correlational analysis to determine the relationship between variables. In this research, the weighting of indicators parent communication and learning achievement career with ordinal scale with the Spearman rank correlation test model. Based on the analysis later in this study concluded that H0 is accepted or rejected H1 is no relationship between parental communication careers and academic achievement. Advice given researchers in this study is that parents can establish communications career and good relationship quality with their children.


parenting career , interpersonal communication


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