Nully Nuffie Afiantie, Husein Fahmi


Abstract . The speed of culinary industry development in Bandung nowadays needs promotion activities which can reach consumer more wider, one of them by using twitter @infobdg service as a promotion media . The @ infobdg account needs an activity action of mixed marketing as a stimulus so that culinary entrepreneurs tend to promote through its service as  a respond of  the stimulus. The study aims is to know about the correlation between mixed activity and marketing that @infobdg has done which supported by 7 aspects such as, product, price, promotions, people, physical evidence, and process follows by the culinary entrepreneurs interest in Bandung as followers to promote via  the @infobdg account . The methodology study is quantitative goes to correlation methods. By means of samples amounting to 48 culinary entrepreneur respondents in Bandung as followers cooperate with @infobdg, so that the study used  a totally technical sampling. The conclusion of this study illustrates there is a sufficient correlation means presence between mixed marketing activities of @ infobdg with  the product, price, promotions, people, physical evidence, and process. And also there is a place aspect which has low correlation but it makes sure that  entrepreneurs interest in Bandung as followers.



mixed marketing, twitter interest, followers, promotion.


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