Pengaruh Optimalisasi Pelayanan Islami Front Line Tabungan Simpel terhadap Keputusan Nasabah di BRI Syariah KCP Cijerah

Imas Rukoyah, Neneng Nurhasanah, Ratih Tresnati


Abstract.The concept of service in Islamic teachings have been regulated through the basic principles of the morals of the Ministry in order that service of process is done in accordance with the rules of Sharia. It is applied by the management of the BRI Syariah KCP Cijerah Frontliner officers especially by the Office. The success of the optimisation of the Ministry conducted the officers Frontliner Office largely determine the attitude of the decision of potential borrowers to be interested and willing to use the Sharia especially BRI savings products iB are simple. However, the ministries have not been able to achieve the expected target management. To that end, the management attempts to evaluate the optimal form of service and effectively in accordance with Islamic teachings, so many students and students who became Simple savings products market share iB BRI Syariah interested in becoming customer d BRI Syariah KCP Cijerah. Based on these problems, then the author is interested in conducting studies with formulating the problem into the form of the following question: how is the implementation of the service of front line on savings products, simple in the Syariah BRI KCP Cijerah? How is the attitude of the customer decision after obtaining the service of front line on savings products, simple in the Syariah BRI KCP Cijerah? And how to influence the optimization of service front line at Simple savings products against customer's purchasing decision at the BRI Syariah KCP Cijerah? The author uses descriptive method and the verifikatif method that describes a phenomenon based on the fact that progress by way of describing the data and compiled systematically analysing it then so can be drawn conclusions about influence of front line service optimization in Simple savings products against customer's purchasing decision at the BRI Syariah KCP Cijerah. Conclusions from this study showed that the application of Islamic values in the service that was performed at the customer's office products frontliner Savings Simple iB in BRI Syariah KCP Cijerah is good, the attitude of the customer decision after obtaining the service of front line on savings products, simple in the Syariah KCP Cijerah BRI can be determined by the shape of the services provided by the Clerk's Office at the BRI Syariah Frontliner KCP Cijerah itself and there is the influence of the implementation of the service of front line at Simple savings products against decision customer purchases in BRI Syariah KCP Cijerah.


Optimization, service, Frontline, and purchasing decisions


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