The Analysis of Service Quality on the Satisfaction of Umrah Pilgrims in PT Amanah Mulia Travel

Sharah Istiqomah, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Aan Julia


Quality of service is vital run by companies based services company, PT. Amanah Mulia Tourism as one of the tour and travel services company that offers trips plus Hajj and Umrah, and always proud of our brand and products in any promotion, should apply quality of service that characterizes ethical marketers to fellow Muslims. In fact, the number of congregations from year to year i.e. 2011-2015 looks pilgrims fluctuating growth tends to decrease. This contrasts with the quality of services provided by the company in its best efforts to handle all the needs, the needs and desires of each congregation in achieving their dreams while going departed pilgrimage to the holy land. Based on the background of the problem, it is concluded that the first formulation of the problem, How can the quality of services are applied in PT. Amanah Mulia Tourism, and the second, How analysis of quality of service to the satisfaction of Umrah pilgrims in PT. Amanah Mulia Tourism. The objective is to determine the quality of service is applied in PT. Amanah Mulia Tourism, and the second, to know the analysis of the quality of service to satisfaction of Umrah pilgrims in PT. Amanah Mulia Tourism. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. Data collection techniques used is through a questionnaire or questionnaires, Literature, and observations. The sampling method used in this study is a random probability sampling or in which every member of the population has an equal chance to be elected as members of the sample, with a simple random sampling technique in a systematic way or ordinal. Quality of service at PT. Amanah Mulia Travel refers to the objectives, needs, and satisfaction worshipers. In detail, the quality of services is applied in PT. Amanah Mulia Tours can be described as follows: provide the best services, build trust, build a sense of professionalism, and selling quality products. The results of the questionnaire, and direct observation shows that the quality of services provided by PT. Travel Amanah Mulia said to be good and have been felt by Umrah pilgrims, resulting in satisfaction levels high enough worshipers in PT. Amanah Mulia Tourism.


Service, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction


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