The Analysis of Performance Management Assessment Method Application on Job Performance of Employees of BTN Syariah Bandung

Annisa Rahayu Putri, Neneng Nurhasanah, Aminuddin Irfani


BTN Syariah Branch Office Bandung is one of the Islamic banking institutions that have their own mechanism in the evaluation and performance assessment of its employees. In this discussion of human resources in the managerial work environment BTN Syariah, stakeholders expect that management BTN Syariah run the management of its human resources management to be held religiously, professionally, and in accordance with the values of sharia. At least, what the affirmation and the expectations of the stakeholders in the BTN Syariah departing from a spirit to demonstrate that BTN Syariah as a banking institution who underwent business based on Islamic values have different and distinct advantage. In addition to the application of the values of professionalism in running and developing their business activities, methods of assessment Job performance in BTN Syariah also aimed to determine and punishment reward for its employees. Based on the background of the problem, then the problem is formulated to form the following questions: How is the assessment method of employee-performance in the State Savings Bank of Sharia in shaping the Job Performance management employees? How to Job Performance level employees of the BTN Syariah KCS Bandung? In addition, what is the effect of the application of assessment methods to the level of employee management Job Performance Employees BTN Syariah KCS Bandung? The method used in this research is descriptive method to examine the implementation of assessment method of employee performance in enhancing Job-Performance employees in BTN Syariah Bandung and its influence on employee performance improvement. The conclusion of this study demonstrate the application of the performance appraisal of the BTN Syariah KCS Bandung is using the rating scale graphic and aspects assessed in this method is cooperation, initiative, communication skills, responsibility, and leadership skills. In addition, implementation of the performance assessment Job Performance employees of BTN Syariah Bandung with positive influence employee performance index over the study period from year 2013 to 2015.


Method, Assessment, and Employee Performance


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