The Effect of Motivation and Work Satisfaction on the Employee Performance in BRI Syariah KCP Cijerah

Rima Wiramdhani, Neneng Nurhasana, Eva Fauziah


Every enterprise organizations are required to be able to optimize human resources and managers. Human resource managers cannot be separated from the factors that employees are expected to perform at their best to achieve the goals of the organization. In this case, the man as an employee must have a high motivation in doing the work, so that work can be carried out properly. There are still the employees of BRI Syariah that are under supervision who are happy and motivated to work at the micro level. Their work satisfaction was fulfilled, namely environmental coworkers who are comfortable and work in line with expectations, but judging from the performance is still lacking, it is seen in solving the work was negligent, mistaken or wrong in finishing the work, so it should be repeated. The problem of this research is How to influence work motivation on employee performance BRI Syariah Branch Cijerah, influence job satisfaction influence on employee performance BRI Syariah branches Helper Cijerah, and the influence of motivation and satisfaction to employee performance BRI Syariah Branch Cijerah. The method used is descriptive analysis; Data collection techniques used questionnaires and interviews; the data processing using Likert scale and taken as many as 30 respondents. The results showed that motivation significant effect on the performance of employees at KCP Cijerah BRI Syariah. These results can be seen from the t test work motivation at 2.075. Job satisfaction affects the performance of employees at KCP Cijerah BRI Syariah. These results can be seen from the t test of 2.706 job satisfaction variables. There is a significant effect of variables motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance. These results can be seen from the F test is calculated, it is known that the value of F count equal to 4.411. It is because the test of F count & F table is 4.411 & 4.20. In addition, the influence of 67.1% and the remaining 32.9% is influenced by other variables outside the study.


Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance


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