The Overview of Yusuf Qaradawi Opinions on the Implementation of Trading Zakat on Traders Around YPM Salman ITB Bandung

Raihan Anshari Amrullah, M. Roji Iskandar, Asep Ramdan Hidayat


Yusuf Qaradawi found commercial zakat or alms trade is discharged from the charity's own commercial goods. Treasure commerce is all that is destined to be traded in a range of species, in either the form of goods such as tools, clothing, food, jewelry, or others. The determination of the zakat trade done by traders who sell in the complex area of Masjid Salman ITB is still far from ideal, as the lack of awareness in a system of bookkeeping / financial reports. It is very interesting to be studied from the perspective of the opinion of the charity commerce Yusuf Qaradawi. Based on the background of the problem, then the problem is formulated in the form of the following questions: How is the implementation of zakat trade by Yusuf Qaradawi. How is the implementation of zakat commerce merchants in the neighborhood YPM Salman ITB Bandung? In addition, how do Yusuf Qaradawi on the implementation of zakat commerce merchants in the neighborhood YPM Salman ITB Bandung? The method used in the preparation of this research is to use descriptive analysis method with approach of character study, which examined the implementation of zakat commerce merchants in the neighborhood YPM Salman ITB Bandung City in terms of the provisions of zakat commerce by Yusuf Qaradawi. The conclusion of this study is the implementation of zakat trade by Yusuf Qaradawi is attributed to the implementation of zakat maal is generally bound by the terms and haul nishab. Voting and determining the ratio of zakat trade in YPM Salman ITB run by Rumah Amal Salman that is based on UUWDP (Law on Mandatory Company Registration). In general, the implementation of trade zakat YPM Salman ITB has been in accordance with less provision of zakat trade by Yusuf Qaradawi.


Zakat, Commerce, Nishab, and Implementation


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