The Analysis of Islamic Law on Lifetime Warranty Information of Tupperware Product in the Tupperware Agent of Buah Batu Bandung

Tria Annisa Octavia, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, N. Eva Fauziah


Consumers have the right warranty includes lifetime warranty on the product bought in a store if the existing guarantee facility. However, this is not obtained on consumer Tupperware, but on his website, there is information that describes their lifetime warranty. Thus, this raises the issue, as there is a mismatch in the information on the website with the facts on the ground. It is interesting assessed in terms of Islamic law. Based on the background of the problem, a problem, which is to be examined, is the concept of Islamic Law concerning warranty information, the implementation of the lifetime warranty information on Tupperware agent Buah Batu Bandung, and analysis of Islamic law on the implementation of lifetime warranty information on Tupperware agent Buah Batu Bandung. The objective is to know the concept of Islamic Law concerning warranty information, the implementation of the lifetime warranty information on Tupperware agent Buah Batu Bandung, Islamic law analysis of the implementation of the lifetime warranty information on Tupperware agent Buah Batu Bandung. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. Data collection techniques used is through documentation, interviews, and observations. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling that is determining its own sample to be taken. Lifetime Tupperware product warranty information Tupperware agent Buah Batu Bandung principles do not apply the principle of Islam in its purchasing transactions. In the akad, mechanism is only done orally without proof of receipt, meaning the akad is oral and not by bil-kitab (by writing). Pillars and the conditions have been met, but the transaction there is a defect in ethics, is not submitting information that should be a lifetime guarantee consumer rights.


Islamic Law, Information in Islam, Warranty


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