The Effect of Training and Education on the Competence of Employee Performance in BPRS Al Salaam Branch Bandung

Rizky Munawar Barudi, Asep Hidayat, Aminuddin Irfani


BPRS AL SALAAM employee participation is needed in a variety of training and education activities held by the company over the participation of employees in training and education can be regarded as a form of the success of the company. Therefore, measure the success BPRS al-salaam not only is seen from the quality of the course. Therefore, companies conduct education and training to support the level of employee performance and better employee can solve all the problems on the work that is being faced by employees that can affect the performance of employees in the company. The problems of this study are as follows. (1) How the implementation of education and training in BPRS al-salaam? (2) How is the performance of employees BPRS al-salaam? (3) How much is the influence of educational and training programs conducted by the BPRS al-salaam for the competence of employee performance, The aim of research to get an overview of the concrete and to determine the extent the influence on employee performance with the implementation of education and training undertaken by al-salaam BPRS Bandung branch. The method used in this research is descriptive method analyst. Data collection techniques were interviews, literature study, and questionnaire. The data analysis was quantitative and to seek the influence of the independent and dependent variables using successive interval (MSI) and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed the participation of all employees of each division in the education and training programs for employee performance appraisal is done by filling out the employee assessment and assessment carried out in 3 stages. Based on the results, the training affects performance for 47.60%. The remaining 52.40% are other variables that are not included in the study. From the results concluded that the training was conducted properly, it will increase employees' performance "unacceptable.


Training, Education, Competence, Performance, BPRS Al Salaam Branch Bandung


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