The Analysis of Akad Muzara'ah Application from the Perspective of Shafi'i on Garden Maintenance in the Cikole Village of Lembang District

Dini Salehatin Ramdini, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, N. Eva Fauziah


Imam Shafi'i muzara'ah classifies into two categories of law, namely muzara'ah is allowed and not allowed. It is based on a hadith that allow and prohibit muzara'ah. The system of cooperation in agriculture there is also in Indonesia, one of them in the villages Cikole. Cooperation is practiced by people in the village Cikole farmers land owners hand over their land to be cultivated by others sharing system, which in the life of the local community known as paroan kebon. Cikole Villagers are mostly Muslim. In the view of religious practice, the majority residents of Cikole village are the Shafi'i followers. According to Max Weber, religion influences behavior. In addition, whether religious villagers of Cikole are Syafi’i, which can affect the behavior, or not, especially in terms of cultivating gardens. From the background of the problems outlined above, it is concluded formulation of the problem: (1) How is the contract muzara'ah Imam Shafi'i perspective. (2) How is the implementation of cooperation cultivation of gardens in the Cikole Village of Lembang District? (3) How does the application muzara'ah agreement on cooperation Shafi'i perspective of cultivating gardens in the Cikole village of Lembang District? The purposes of this study were to (1) Determine the contract muzara'ah Imam Shafi'i perspective; (2) Determine the implementation of cooperation cultivation of gardens in the village Cikole Lembang district; and (3) Determine the application of the contract muzara'ah Shafi'i perspective on cooperation cultivation of gardens in the Cikole village of Lembang district. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were questionnaires, interviews, and Literature. The sampling method used was simple random sampling. Based on the research results, according to Imam Shafi'i muzara'ah i.e. when followed by the cooperation Musaqah landowner / farmer's field to manage the existing trees in the garden, which the result will be divided according to the collective agreement. In the application of the implementation of the cultivation of gardens in the village Cikole of things seedlings are already borne by the owner of the land, so that tenants only have to spend his skills to work on the garden. Therefore, the implementation of the cultivation of this vineyard has been followed by Musaqah. Then sharing agreements, which do Cikole Village farmers generally performed according to the results of the collective agreement and kinship.


Analysis, Imam Shafi'i, Muzara'ah.


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