The Effect of the Incentive Compensation of Financing Distribution Target on the Account-Officer Performance Improvement in PT BPRS HIK Parahyangan Bandung Raya Area

Syara Amallia, Neneng Nurhasanah, Nunung Nurhayati


Doing the compensation proportionally work is not easy, it is as happened in BPRS HIK Parahyangan which illustrate the employees in the Accounts Officer of the performance of good works do not always work as a form of compensation or reward benefits. Compensating work there or not depends on its budget allocated by the management. Compensating the work given to the loan officer that his performance could exceed specified targets can be promoted management position with the expectation that the performance of work in the SRB Account Officer Parahyangan HIK can be increased. Based on the background of the problem, then the problems are in the form of the following questions. (1) How does the compensation work for the Accounts Officer in BPRS HIK Parahyangan Bandung Area? (2) How is the implementation of the performance of the Account Officer in BPRS HIK Parahyangan Bandung Area? (3) How is the influence of compensation work towards improving the performance of the Account Officer in BPRS HIK Parahyangan Bandung Area? The method used in this research is descriptive method, which is a method that seeks to collect data in accordance with the actual situation, deliver, and analyze them so as to provide a fairly clear picture of the object under study and then it can be deduced. In this case, the study examined the compensation and the effect on the performance improvement in BPRS HIK Account Officer Area Parahyangan in Bandung. The conclusion of this study indicate a compensation mechanism system of work for the Accounts Officer in BPRS HIK Area Parahyangan Bandung realized in the form of salary, incentives, bonuses, wages, premiums and Insurance and Health Benefits. The compensation effect on the performance improvement in BPRS HIK Account Officer Parahyangan Bandung Area with a contribution of 78.8%, this shows the degree of influence that is quite good. Then the remaining balance of 21.2% change in the variable Accounts Officer job performance caused by other factors not examined in awarding compensation other than work in BPRS HIK Parahyangan Bandung Area.


Compensation, Performance, and Employee


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