The Analysis of the Sales Promotion on the Customer Interest of iB 25 Microfinance Products in Bank BRI Syariah Branch Office Cijerah

Iffana Pratiwi Prihantono, Neneng Nurhasanah, Susilo Setyawan


Every Islamic bank has a variety of products offered in accordance with the needs of the community. In the product offering, there is competition between Islamic banks so that the need for sales pitches. Sales promotion conducted by BRI Syariah will measure the extent to which the interests of customers in choosing products microfinance iB 25. It covered sales promotion used by the bank BRI Syariah that uses 4 out of 12 tools of sales promotion that should be applied. The researcher will analyze the extent of interest 4 customers with the implementation of the promotional tools. The level of interest here includes Action (attention), Interest (interest), Desire (desire), and Action (action) or called AIDA. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of the sales promotion of microfinance iB 25 at BRI Syariah branch offices Cijerah, to find customers through product microfinance iB 25 at BRI Syariah branch offices Cijerah, and to find out how the analysis of sales promotions on interest client micro-finance products iB 25. The method used is the method of descriptive statistics, descriptive method is a method that describes a phenomenon, event, occurrence, happening now. The goal is focused on solving the problems as they are at the time of research conducted. The statistics analyzed the data in ways that describe or depict the data that has been collected as without the intention of making a conclusion to generalization. Based on the research results, the implementation of sales promotions conducted BRI Syariah reached the stage of interest by category Action (action); this can be proved by the results of questionnaires that were distributed to 96 respondents. The results of research contain several facts. The validity of the test results of all the variables is considered valid because the r count & r table and the reliability test results of all of the variables is reliable. The Cronbach alpha coefficient is 0.60, meaning that the level of reliability of 0.60 is indicative of a construct.


Sales Promotion, Customer Interests, Financing


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