The Application of the Muamalah Principles in Granting Murabaha Financing in the Cooperative BMT Al Barkah Antapani Bandung

Lusi Lusiana Oktavia, Asep Ramadan Hidayat, Nunung Nurhayati


Sharia is a cooperative financial institution that is doing business with the Islamic principles. In addition, its business practices are still dominated by products murabaha as a financing agreement in the activities of the distribution of funds. Purchase object murabaha is best done by the cooperative, but it is not a wrong thing when cooperative delegate to clients to buy goods, while using the media wakalah is no clause wakalah and murabahah performed after the goods become the property of the cooperative. However, in fact, in the letter of agreement signed by the customer, it is contained in the agreement when where customers have been doing murabahah. It should be in the letter written agreement contract murbahah bil wakalah. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. Data collection techniques used is through documentation, interviews, and observation. Based on the survey results revealed that the application of principles of muamalah on granting murabaha financing in cooperative BMT Al Barkah fails to apply one of the principles muamalah on purchasing transactions. In the provision of financing, cooperative BMT Al Barkah has done its provisions according to SOP. However, in determining the akad (agreement), the cooperative BMT Al Barkah had made a mistake. So that the contract specified is not in accordance with the contract should be awarded. Therefore, there has been a misuse of the contract, which makes the application of the principles of truth in the principles of the Islamic muamalah not done well.


Principles of Muamalah, Murabaha Financing, Cooperative Sharia


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