The Effect of the Application of Asymmetry Information on the Effectiveness of Mudharabah Distribution in PT BRI Syariah Main Branch Office Citarum

Akbar Dwiantoro


Bank Syariah BRI branch offices parent Citarum always active in micro financing, which apply mudharabah, and did not rule out the possibility of information asymmetry occurs between the Bank BRI Syariah user customers Mudharabah financing agreement. Thus, the management of BRI Syariah particularly from the analysis of feasibility of providing customer financing required conducting a study with methods of information asymmetry, so that funding channeled through the mudharabah avoid financing problems. asymmetric information control can cope with the level of financing risk factor in terms of financing the weak supervision, analysis of financial statements that are less accurate, target financing are not clear and the competence of human resources is still weak. Using the methods of information asymmetry in the process of analyzing the financing of candidates beneficiary customer by promoting the principle-the principle of truth, honesty, fairness and proportionately and professionally done. Based on the background of the problem, then the problems are in the form of the following questions. (1) How is the application of information asymmetry in the delivery mechanism of financing PT. BRI Syariah Branch Office of Parent Citarum? (2) How the effectiveness of the distribution of financing in PT BRI Syariah Branch Office of Parent Citarum? What are the effects of the application of asymmetric information on the effectiveness of the distribution of financing in PT. Bank BRI Syariah Branch Office of Parent Citarum? The method used in this research is the analysis methods verification, and data collection through interviews, questionnaires, and literature study, while data analysis using validity, reliability, analysis of simple linear regression, Pearson correlation, t-test, coefficient of determination, hypothesis test and decision-making. The conclusion of this study demonstrates the applicability of information asymmetry in the delivery mechanism of financing PT. BRI Syariah Branch Office of Parent Citarum has been very good. The effectiveness of the distribution of financing in PT BRI Syariah Branch Office of Parent Citarum based on a research study has been very effective. In addition, the application of information asymmetry has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the distribution of financing in PT. Bank BRI Syariah Branch Office of Parent Citarum.


Asymmetry Information, Effectiveness, Mudharabah Financing


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