The Effect of Third Party Fund and Profitability on Microfinance in PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Branch Office Kopo Bandung 2010-2014

Rina Karomah, Titin Suprihatin, Azib Azib


Bank Syariah has the main task is collecting funds from the public and to channel back to the community in the form of financing Facilities. The development of Islamic banking sector is expected to help the development of SMEs, in fact many credit facilities offered, from both conventional banks, microfinance and Islamic banks. BRI Syariah makes financing to micro-financing products that use the iB Murabahah. KCP Syariah KCP Kopo has targeted micro financing channeled; but in fact, the Syariah BRI KCP Kopo several years during the running of microfinance does not reach the target. Thus, identification of problems that the authors take is how the development of third party funds, profitability, and microfinance and how the influence of third party funds and profitability of the microfinance partially and simultaneously in BRI Syariah KCP Bandung Kopo period 2010-2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of third party funds, profitability, and microfinance, as well as to determine the influence of third party funds, the profitability of the microfinance partially and simultaneously in BRI Syariah KCP Bandung Kopo period 2010-2014. The method used in this research using quantitative methods. Source of this research is the primary data derived from the financial statements of BRI Syariah KCP Kopo Bandung during the period 2010-2014, data collection techniques is documentation. Data analysis techniques used by multiple linear regression analysis, test classic assumptions, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study t is smaller than t table (0.172; 3.182) so it concluded that H0 is accepted and Ha rejected, which means there is no significant relationship between the variables of third party funds to microfinance. The t count is smaller than t table (1.855; 3.182) so it concluded that H0 is accepted and Ha rejected, which means there is no significant relationship between the variables of profitability to microfinance. F count is smaller than F table (3.628; 19,00) then the variable third party funds and profitability simultaneously (together) are not significant. Thus, It is concluded that H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected.


Third Party Funds, Profitability, Micro Financing


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