Penerimaan Hasil Investasi di Sinergi Foundation

Rantika Nanda Devi, Ifa Hanifa Senjiati, Mohamad Andri Ibrahim


Abstract. The institution that manages the Waqf productively in Bandung City is quite many of which are the Waqf Daarut Tauhiid institution that manages the productive waqf of the building, there is also a productive Sedekah foundation which waqf the productivity to manage the shop, Kostan and rice fields. In addition, Yayasan Alpha Indonesia Bandung also manages the productive Waqf in the field of land, for the Waqf home Productinya products of Waqf cash. The average Waqf institution in Bandung management of Waqf is a lot of productivity in the building and Waqf cash. From several Waqf institutions there are also institutions that manage the Waqf productively namely Synergy Foundation (SF). Sinergi Foundation is a publicly-owned independent institution that encourages the development of creativity and innovation of social empowerment based Waqf and ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah). The Ministry of Gathering Fund (fundraising) or the type of donation channel in the Synergy Foundation has four types of donation services including: 1) Direct (come to the Office) 2) Donation transfer 3) online (transfer) and counter. Unlike other Waqf institutions the Synergy Foundation develops its business in culinary business. Where the Synergy Foundation works together with Warung Nasi Ampera restaurant in Bandung. This research is done to find out how the fluctuations in the investment results of Waqf is productive at the board of Endowments Synergy Foundation. The method in this study is qualitative with a narrative approach. Data collection is done in a time series which is the result of investment receipt data period May 2016-May 2019. The results of the research based on the above discussion is fluctuations of the proceeds from the investment of productive Waqf in the Synergy Foundation period May 2016-May 2020 which is the result of the highest investment acceptance occurred in January 2019, July 2019 and Jnuari 2020 with the amount of acceptance above Rp. 100 million. While the proceeds from the lowest investment occurs in May 2020 with the amount of admission below Rp. 20 million. In addition, it can be seen that the average proceeds from the investment of productive Waqf in synergy Foundation ranging from Rp. 60.000.000-Rp. 80.000.000.

Keywords: Proceeds from investment, productive waqf, fluctuations.

Abstrak. Lembaga yang mengelola wakaf secara produktif di Kota Bandung jumlahnya cukup banyak diantaranya Lembaga Wakaf Daarut Tauhiid yang mengelola wakaf produktif gedung, ada juga Yayasan Sedekah Produktif yang wakaf produktifnya mengelola ruko, kostan dan sawah. Selain itu Yayasan Alpha Indonesia Bandung juga mengelola wakaf produktif di bidang tanah, untuk Rumah Wakaf produk wakaf produktifnya yaitu wakaf tunai. Rata-rata lembaga wakaf yang ada di Bandung pengelolaan wakaf produktifnya banyak dilakukan pada gedung dan wakaf tunai. Dari beberapa Lembaga Wakaf tersebut ada pula lembaga yang mengelola wakaf secara produktif yaitu Sinergi Foundation (SF). Sinergi Foundation merupakan lembaga independen milik publik yang concern mendorong pengembangan kreativitas dan inovasi Sosial Pemberdayaan berbasis Wakaf Produktif dan ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah). Pelayanan penghimpunan dana (fundraising) atau disebut jenis channel donasi di Sinergi Foundation memiliki empat jenis layanan donasi diantaranya ialah: 1) langsung (datang ke kantor) 2) jemput donasi 3) online (transfer) dan counter. Berbeda dengan lembaga wakaf yang lain Sinergi Foundation mengembangkan usaha wakafnya pada bisnis kuliner. Dimana Sinergi Foundation bekerja sama dengan rumah makan Warung Nasi Ampera di Bandung. Penelitiam ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana fluktuasi penerimaan hasil investasi wakaf produktif pada Lembaga Wakaf Sinergi Foundation.Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan naratif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara time series yaitu data hasil penerimaan investasi periode Mei 2016-Mei 2019. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan pembahasan di atas yaitu Fluktuasi hasil penerimaan investasi wakaf produktif di Sinergi Foundation periode Mei 2016-Mei 2020 yaitu hasil penerimaan investasi tertinggi terjadi pada bulan Januari 2019, Juli 2019 dan Jnuari 2020 dengan jumlah penerimaan diatas Rp. 100.000.000. Sedangkan hasil penerimaan investasi terendah terjadi pada bulan Mei 2020 dengan jumlah penerimaan dibawah Rp. 20.000.000. Selain itu dapat dilihat pula bahwa rata-rata hasil penerimaan investasi wakaf produktif di Sinergi Foundation berkisar Rp.60.000.000-Rp.80.000.000.

Kata Kunci: Penerimaan hasil investasi, Wakaf Produktif, Fluktuasi.


Penerimaan hasil investasi, Wakaf Produktif, Fluktuasi

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