The Overview of Imam Abu Hanifa Opinion Against Hybrid Contract Practices of Umrah Financing Products in BSM KCP Kopo

Deva Rando


BSM KCP Kopo indicated practice hybrid contract on financing Umrah product. The Umrah financing products using Qardh scheme for granting loans to customers and Ijarah for administrative management services to the customer’s departure Umrah travel agencies that will be enjoyed by customers. Use of both the contract causes confusion could trigger polemics related halal Umrah financing the illegitimate product. Accordingly, they were assessed from the perspective of Imam Abu Hanifa since he was one of the great scholars who contributed much to the results of ijtihad in the field of jurisprudence muamalah. Formulation and research objectives are as follows. (1) How does the hybrid contract according to the provisions of Imam Abu Hanifa? (2) How is the practice of the hybrid contract in the contract of Ijarah products in BSM KCP Umrah Financing Kopo? (3) How does a review of the practice of Imam Abu Hanifa hybrid contract on financing products umrah in BSM KCP Kopo? The method used in the preparation of this research is to use descriptive analytical method with a character study approach. Data obtained from primary and secondary sources. Data collected through the study of literature, documentation studies, surveys, and interviews. The conclusion of this study is the implementation of the Ijara contract with the object of services and goods combined with other contract according to Imam Abu Hanifa is basically permissible, as long as the consequences of a transaction that was built with the hybrid contract is not separated according to each contract that builds the transaction. Practice hybrid contract in the contract of Ijarah product of Umrah Financing in BSM KCP Kopo is done concurrently Ijarah and qardh. Moreover, based on the results of the study showed that in general the practice of Hybrid Contract in financing Umrah in BSM KCP Kopo not contrary to the values of Sharia and are in accordance with the provisions of the hybrid contract according to Imam Abu Hanifah.


Hybrid Contract on Ijarah Contract


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