The Overview of the Role of Salam Finance Analyst on Supporting the Effectiveness of Murabahah Funding Distribution in BPRS HIK of Parahyangan Branch Office Astana Anyar Bandung

Septian Angga Riyaldi


Financing problems that exist in the BPRS HIK Parahyangan Branch Office Astana Anyar several related issues include policies SRB HIK Parahyangan itself in channeling finance to the real sector is relatively loose and the level of prudence is quite low. For that, they need their financing analyst team who really can perform the functions of analysis and assessment, so that funding channeled SRB Parahyangan HIK can be minimized their risk levels. Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem and research objectives cover (1) The role of the analyst in supporting the effectiveness of the finance portfolio in BPRS HIK Parahyangan KC Astana Anyar, (2) Effectiveness of the finance portfolio with skim murabahah in BPRS HIK Parahyangan KC Astana Anyar, and (3) effectiveness Analyst role in supporting the effectiveness of financing murabaha finance portfolio on BPRS HIK Branch Office Astana Anyar Parahyangan in Bandung. The method used in the preparation of this research is descriptive analytical method, the data collection techniques in doing library research, field research, observation, documentation, and interview. Data obtained through the study of literature and interview process with the bank, then studied and analyzed. The conclusion of this study is the role of Analyst in supporting the effectiveness of the finance portfolio in BPRS HIK Parahyangan KC Astana Anyar very strategic in supporting the dimensions of cost effectiveness, including the quality, quantity, impact of financing for its customers and SRB HIK Parahyangan, as well as the time of the analysis process effective financing. The effectiveness of murabaha finance portfolio in BPRS HIK Parahyangan is good and analysts financing was instrumental in supporting the effectiveness of the finance portfolio in BPRS HIK Parahyangan KC Astana Anyar Bandung. Directly or indirectly, it is affected by the performance of Account officer who serves as finance analysts in analyzing and monitoring existing customers financed. This is reflected in the decreasing level of financing and FDR ratio increased. This means that the quality and quantity of funding channeled SRB HIK Parahyangan in general have increased.


Distribution Effectiveness, Murabahah, Analyst Role


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