The Effect of Application of Total Quality Management (TQM) to the Zakat Distribution Efficiency in Education Scholarship Program of LAZ DPU-DT Bandung

Euis Puspita, N. Eva Fauziyah, N. Eva Fauziah, Nurdin Nurdin, Nurdin Nurdin


One of the serious obstacles faced by Indonesia is the lack of availability of funds for the education sector. Education is a very important thing for a country, there must also be contained good management in managing it. Therefore, DPU DT established Scholarship program Mandiri (Beswan), where the program is shaped pattern of empowerment such as training, empowering, and actualizing for students. It is expected from this program students are not only able to complete college, but also able to work in the midst of the community through the work of a real and beneficial to themselves and the surrounding environment. One indication of the success rate of these scholarships is with good management of DPU DT. Based on the problem, then we propose to issue in the form of the following questions: How does the application of Total Quality Management in improving the efficiency of distribution of zakat, donation, and shadaqoh on amil zakat institutions? How is the management of zakat distribution, infaq, and shadaqoh through a scholarship program in LAZ DPU-DT Bandung? How is the Quality Management influence on the efficiency of distribution of zakat in education scholarship program in LAZ DPU-DT Bandung? The method used here is descriptive; the research outlines the existing conditions and provides an analysis of the phenomenon. Engineering studies using quantitative data analysis techniques. This quantitative data is used to measure the effect of the application of Total Quality Management to the efficiency of the distribution of zakat funds in the scholarship program. The result of this research is the implementation of the implementation of total quality management in improving the efficiency of the distribution of zakat, infaq and shadaqoh has done well visible from the percentage obtained at 85.64%. Management of zakat fund distribution, infaq, and shadaqoh through a scholarship program that are in good interval that is equal to 81.60%. Effect of the application of total quality management on the efficiency of distribution of zakat in a scholarship program with the contribution of the influence is 25.4%.


Education Scholarship, LAZ, Distribution of Zakat Fund, and TQM


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