The Effect of Product Differentiation on the Customer Satisfaction Level at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Dago

Ahmad Mundzir Fatoni


Product differentiation is one method or way to anticipate the competitive advantage of the company to win the market by providing many choices, both in terms of technology and quality to the customers or products required. Product differentiation changes existing products, tailored to the tastes of the market. If the market tastes change will be met by the company, it will be a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Based on the background of the problem, it is concluded that the First formulation of the problem, how the implementation of the strategy of product differentiation? Second, how is the customer satisfaction on Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Dago? Third, How influence on product differentiation to customer satisfaction at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Dago? The method used in this research is descriptive analysis and verification, the research used to determine the value of an independent variable, either a variable or more without making a comparison or connection between one variable with another variable. The verification method aims to test truth of a hypothesis or a phenomenon. It is done by collecting data in the field. In this study, the authors use probability-sampling technique in the determination of the sample to the questionnaire on customers of Bank Syariah Mandiri KC Dago. Statistical analysis methods employed descriptive analysis and simple linear regression. Product differentiation has done well in Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Dago. Therefore, it appears that some of the products became the hallmark of the bank. One example of the result of the application of product differentiation is Tabungan Investa Cendekia. Customer satisfaction at Bank Syariah Mandiri Dago Branch Office in 2010-2014 experienced volatile. Based on the research results, the significant effect of product differentiation for tcount is larger than ttable (2,314 & 1.290) on customer satisfaction with a regression coefficient of 0.532 with a coefficient of determination of 5.24%.


Product Differentiation, Customer Satisfaction, Saving Investa Cendekia


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