The Analysis of Islamic Law and Law Number 13 of 2003 on the Implementation of Outsourcing Employee Wage of Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Cimahi

Mia Kusdian Handayani, Neneng Nurhasanah, Neni Sri Imaniyati


Wages are the main thing in employment. No wonder there are demonstrations demanding higher wages. The phenomenon of sticking to the surface in the areas of employment, namely the emergence of the term outsourced workers that hit the banking sector. One of the employees at Bank Syariah Mandiri outsourcing is the Secretary. Secretary of the Bank is work that is Longtime (continuous) and the workload can be said to be severe, but the wages received by the Secretary at Bank Syariah Mandiri treated the same as outsourcing labor. The method used consists of this type of research in the form of qualitative analysis by means of field studies. The data source consists of a primary data source is an interview with an employee of Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Cimahi and secondary data source that consists of a primary material used is Law No. 13 Year 2003 on Employment and secondary materials used are more relevant literature. Data collection techniques cover observation, documentation, and interview. The results showed that, the implementation of the wage at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Cimahi based on the company's ability to adjust policy. The wage system granted to employees in accordance with the grade and position. Secretary employed by Bank Syariah Branch Office Cimahi with status outsourcing heavy case loads and wages received a Minimum Wage (UMR). According to Islamic law, it violates the aspects of justice; and it will not create benefits for workers / laborers. Meanwhile, according to Law No. 13 of 2003, it violates Article 59 paragraph 1 which explains that the work may be made the outsourced employees that work once completed / temporary nature, the works are not too long and the work is seasonal


Islamic law, Law on Employee, Wages


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Kitab al-Qur’an dan terjemahnya

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