The Overview of Fiqh Muamalah on the Auction Mechanism of Pledged Collateral Goods In Financing Product Arrum (Ar Rahn Micro Business Unit) In the Islamic Pawnshop Branch Cijerah Bandung

Rianti Julisna Hidayat, M. Roji Iskandar, N. Eva Fauziah


According to the muamalah jurisprudence of pawnshops provision, if the period of debt has matured, then the person who owes (murtahin) is obliged to repay the debt in accordance with the agreed time with the creditor (rahin). However, there are some customers Financing Ar Rum in the Islamic pawnshop Services Office Cijerah unwilling collateral mortgage auctioned for not paying the debt that has matured. This raises broader problems such as negative stigma against the Islamic financial institutions such as the Islamic pawnshop deemed not much different from the conventional pawnshops or even loan sharks. Based on the background of the problem, then the purpose of this study was to determine: 1) How to auction terms and mechanisms the collateral pledge by the Fiqh Muamalah? 2) What is the mechanism auctions pledge collateral in financing products Arrum (Ar Rahn Micro Business Unit) in the Islamic pawnshop Cijerah Branch Office Bandung? In addition (3), How does Fiqh Muamalah view the auction mechanism of collateral pledge in financing products Arrum (Ar Rahn Micro Business Unit) in the Islamic pawnshop Cijerah Branch Office Bandung? The method used in the preparation of this research is to use descriptive analytical method to examine the implementation of auctions assurance products Pawnshops Ar Rum Pawnshop Sharia Services Office Cijerah Bandung. Sources of data in this study were drawn from primary and secondary data. Then the techniques of data collection are done by means of documentation, interviews and literature study and analysis of the data conducted through qualitative approach. Conclusions from this research is the auction according to jurisprudence muamalah done by opening offers the lowest prices to do the sellers as well as harmony and terms referring to the buying and selling conditions in general. The auction of the collateral liens on Islamic pawnshop Services Office Cijerah made in cash. And implementation of product assurance auctions Pawnshops Ar Rum in the Islamic pawnshop Cijerah Service Office in accordance with the laws and regulations in Indonesia and are not contradictory and in line with the concept of buying and selling auction under the terms of jurisprudence muamalah.


Fiqh Muamalah, Collateral Goods, Arrum Financing


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