The Analysis of Financing Risk Management (Micro iB) on Flower Agriculture Sector at Bank BRI Syariah KCP Setiabudi Bandung

Rindi Apriani, Neneng Nurhasanah, Nurdin Nurdin


The agricultural sector has a crucial role in national development and economy of Indonesia, but the attention on this sector is considered less. This shows that there are problems in the agricultural sector, one of which is the capital. The agricultural sector was regarded as a sector that has a high level of risk, thus causing the low interest of financial institutions to provide financing. Therefore, need better risk management weeks to avoid or reduce the risk incurred. The agricultural sector is one of the bank's target market BRI Syariah KCP Setiabudi and not a few customers in this sector are problematic, so the NPF bank Syariah BRI KCP Setiabudi increasing but the banks still provided financing for the agricultural sector. Based on the background of the above problems, the formulations of the problem of the study were as follows: (1) What is the risk of financing and development of agricultural products at Bank Syariah BRI KCP Setiabudi? (2) How is the implementation of risk management in agriculture product finance in Bank Syariah BRI KCP Setiabudi? (3) How is the analysis of financing risk management in micro iB finance products and development in the agricultural sector Bank Syariah BRI KCP Setiabudi? The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. This study aimed to describe risk management financing agricultural sector development in micro iB finance products. The results showed that the risks arising in the agricultural sector microfinance product development is credit risk, operational risk, production risk, and market price risk, and the risk of human resources. Bank risk management is by analyzing aspects 5C customers, customer business risks, and the risks with risk scoring methods of finance. In addition, the bank's risk management is done by monitoring / collection, and for handling troubled financing banks choose to restructure and amicably warning to customers with problems. In general, bank financing risk management Syariah BRI KCP Setiabudi is lack. This is because banks are less scrupulous in analyzing aspects of customer 5C, and the lack of monitoring and follow-up on clients who have been given so that the NPF bank financing increased.


Risk Management, Bank Syariah Financing Agriculture.


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