The Effectiveness of Women Saving and Loan Fund Management of UPK PNPM Mandiri of Jatisari District of Karawang Regency on Society Welfare in the Perspective of Islamic Economy

Rusiana Maharani Dewi, N. Eva Fauziah, Nurdin Nurdin


The problems of poverty are quite complex. The solution requires participation and coordination of all parties together. Therefore, the government has set up programs to alleviate poverty by empowering concept. Therefore, people can directly be involved in decision-making. The program of community economy is women savings and loan program of PNPM (National Management of Community Empowerment) Mandiri. Women's savings and loan is a revolving fund, which is given to the public that its management is more given to women. Due to the fact that women's role in family financial management and bear the burden of the family, so women need to increase family income. Based on this background, the purpose of the study focused on the management of women saving and loan fund of PNPM Jatisari and the society welfare in the Jatisari District of Karawang Regency. The Perspective of Islamic economics and effectiveness of the management of women saving and loan fund of PNPM on the society welfare in the in the Jatisari District of Karawang Regency. The method used is quantitative descriptive. Data was collected by interviewing managers of PNPM in the Jatisari District of Karawang Regency, questionnaires to customers of saving as much as 92 female respondents. Data analysis technique used to test the validity and reliability, regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results show that women's management of saving and loan funds has been conducted properly and in accordance with procedures. The welfare of the people in the Jatisari District of Karawang Regency is considered good. The capital received was used for working capital so that it can add public revenues. The management of women's savings and loan is conducted by PNPM Mandiri can be rated as effective. The influence on the welfare of society is considered quite strong when on t count & t table, namely 6.855 and 1.68. That is, there is a significant effectiveness between the variable fund management with the welfare of society, with 6.855, and significant influence 0,000.


Effectiveness, Public Welfare, Fund Management


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