Analysis of Business Ethics According to Al-Ghazali on Rice Trader of the Leuwipanjang Traditional Market

Bani azka Denia, Titin Suprihatin, Zaini Abdul Malik


Islam justifies the trade, but there are rules governing how should a trader doing business in order to get the blessing and the blessing of Allah SWT. Rules or ethics in trade according to Al-Ghazali is not praise his wares in excess, do not hide the defects found in goods, not to reduce the weight and size of an item traded, and does not lie with respect to the price of an item with an oath. Leuwipanjang market phenomenon, a rice trader conceal blemishes and reduce the scales wares. From the background of the problems described earlier, concluded some formulation of the problem. (1) What are the ethics of trading according to Al-Ghazali? (2) How does the behavior Leuwipanjang rice traders in the Market? (3) How is the analysis of opinion of Al-Ghazali on ethics in the trade with the behavior of traders in the Market Leuwipanjang? The purpose of this study was to determine the business ethics according to Al-Ghazali, a rice trader in market behavior Leuwipanjang, and analysis of the behavior of a rice trader in the Traditional Market of Leuwipanjang is in line with the opinion of Al-Ghazali on ethics of trade. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques were questionnaires, interviews, and Literature. The sampling method used was accidental sampling. Based on the research results, according to Al-Ghazali ethics that should be done by the merchant is not praise his wares in excess, do not hide defective merchandise, does not reduce the scales wares, and do not lie with respect to the price of an item with an oath. the behavior of the rice trader in Traditional Market Leuwipanjang is in accordance with the opinion of Al-Ghazali is in praise of goods excessively and lied about the price with an oath, that does not fit is in hiding defective goods and reduce the scales. Business ethics according to Al-Ghazali is not entirely implemented in Leuwipanjang Market. From the four business ethics, Two behaviors of traders are not in accordance with the opinion of Al-Ghazali. First, the traders hide the defects of goods. Second, they reduce the weights of goods.


Business Ethics, Al-Ghazali


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