Islamic Marketing Strategy of PT Amanah Mulia Tours (AMWA Tours) In Umrah Pilgrims Recruiting 2011-2015

Indah Nurul Afifah Abdullah, Asep Ramdan Hidayat, Zaini Abdul Malik


Hajj and Umrah travel development to develop so through various strategies. A service company in its business can implement a marketing strategy that is designed and provide feedback executed marketing strategy, in order to work well and effectively implement strategies that companies have a major influence on running the business. Based on the background of the problem, then there is some formulation of the problem as follows. (1) How is the marketing strategy Islam in PT Amanah Mulia Tours (AMWA Tours)? (2) How is the marketing strategy Islam in AMWA Tours in recruiting Umrah pilgrims 2011-2015? (3) What are the factors supporting and marketing strategies Islam in AMWA Tours in recruiting Umrah pilgrims 2011-2015? The purpose of this study was (1) to determine the marketing strategy in Islam; (2) to determine the marketing strategy Islam in AMWA Tours in recruiting Umrah pilgrims 2011-2015; and (3) to determine the factors supporting and marketing strategies in AMWA Tours in recruiting Umrah pilgrims 2011-2015. This study used descriptive qualitative method that illustrates and describes the data that has been collected. Source data extracted from primary and secondary data obtained from the literature associated with existing problems. Based on the results, it can be summarized as follows. (1) The Islamic marketing strategy of AMWA Tours employs aspects of the 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place). Of the four components of the promotional aspect is the most influential high for the company. (2) promotional strategy that are the hallmark in AMWA Tours is word of mouth promotion or strategy mouth through Puskaji, silahturaheem, and other activities with alumni Umrah. (3) Supporting factors namely because AMWA Tours in marketing their products in accordance with that given in fact without any exaggerated or reduced, while the inhibiting factor for the value of the dollar exchange rate is very high and there is competition with other Umrah travel is increasingly widespread stand.


Islamic Marketing, Strategy, PT Amanah Mulia Tours (AMWA Tours).


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