The Analysis of the Islamic Law on the Implementation of Sanda Transaction in Bangkuyung Village of Cikedal District, Pandeglang Regency

Maryam Nuur Karimah, Titin Suprihatin, Zaini Abdul Malik


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) forbids conditional purchase. However, in the Bangkuyung Village, there are sale and purchase by using implementation terms agreed upon by both parties, called Sanda. Among these requirements are that the goods sold may not be sold to others but only to the original owner. This study aims to examine the transaction in Islam, the implementation of the Sanda Transaction in the Bangkuyung Village of Cikedal District, Pandeglang Regency, and analysis of Islamic law against the Sanda Transaction. The method used was a descriptive qualitative data. Data collection techniques used literature research and interviews. The results of this study can be concluded that the implementation of the Sanda in the Bangkuyung Village of Cikedal District, Pandeglang Regency from the seller go directly to people who are considered to have more possessions and were able to buy land offered. After the agreement the sales contract occur, provided certain conditions are agreed upon by both parties. In Islam, the sanda can be categorized as a sale with a deadline that is allowed in Islam. The requirements that exist on both the sale and purchase including the terms' urf, the conditions do not exist in the Sharia. Judging from his substance Sanda purchase and sale with a deadline equally used as siyasat to avoid usury, which has become a habit in the community.


Islamic Law, Sanda Transaction


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