Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Jual Beli Handphone Ex Service di Konter Virgie Cell BEC

Saiful Islam Mubarok, Panji Adam Agus, Encep Abdul Rojak


Abstract. There are mobile phone sales that are not taken back by the owner after a certain period of time has passed after the handphone has been repaired, which was sold by the counter owner to replace the issued capital. This thesis aims to answer the questions: (1) How is the practice of buying and selling Ex Service Mobile Phones at the Virgie Cell BEC counter; (2) How is the Islamic law review of buying and selling ex-service mobile phones at the Virgie Cell BEC counter. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with Normative Juridical approach, research data obtained through interviews and literature study. Then the data is arranged systematically and data relating to the practice of buying and selling Ex Service Mobile Phones at the Virgie Cell BEC counter are then analyzed based on the buying and selling theory in Islamic law. The results of this study stated that there was a practice of buying and selling Ex Service Mobile Phones starting from consumers who repaired their cellphones to the counter Virgie Cell BEC, but after being finished repairing consumers could not be contacted. After a period of 3 months the Virgie cell sells the handphone and takes all proceeds from the handphone sale. The practice of buying and selling Ex Services Mobile Phones according to the perspective of Islamic law, including buying and selling is prohibited, namely buying and selling legal titles and the law is invalid because Virgie Cell sells the handphone without permission from the owner, and this buying and selling can also be categorized as batil buying and selling due to selling This purchase does not meet the terms and conditions of sale and purchase.

Keywords: Buying and Selling, Mobile Phones, Islamic Law

Abstrak. Terjadi penjualan handphone yang tidak diambil kembali oleh pemiliknya setelah lewat dari jangka waktu tertentu setelah handphone selesai diperbaiki yang dijual oleh pemilik konter guna mengganti modal yang telah dikeluarkan. skripsi ini bertujuan menjawab pertanyaan: (1) Bagaimana praktik jual beli Handphone Ex Service di konter Virgie Cell BEC; (2) Bagaimana tinjauan hukum islam terhadap jual beli handphone ex service di konter Virgie Cell BEC. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan Yuridis Normatif, data penelitian didapatkan melalui wawancara dan studi pustaka. Lalu data disusun secara sistematis dan data-data yang berkaitan dengan praktek jual beli Handphone Ex Service di konter Virgie Cell BEC kemudian di analisis berdasarkan teori jual beli dalam hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa benar terdapat Praktek jual beli Handphone Ex Service berawal dari konsumen yang memperbaiki handphonenya kepada pihak konter Virgie Cell BEC, namun setelah selesai diperbaiki konsumen tidak bisa dihubungi. Setelah jangka 3 bulan pihak Virgie cell menjual handphone tersebut dan mengambil semua hasil penjualan handphone tersebut. Praktik jual beli Handphone Ex Service ini menurut perspektif hukum Islam termasuk jual beli yang dilarang yaitu jual beli fudul dan hukumnya tidak sah karena pihak Virgie Cell menjual handphone tersebut tanpa izin dari pemiliknya, dan jual beli ini juga dapat dikategorikan jual beli yang batil dikarenakan dalam jual beli ini tidak memenuhi rukun dan syarat jual beli.

Kata Kunci: Jual Beli, Handphone, Hukum Islam


Jual Beli, Handphone, Hukum Islam

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/syariah.v6i2.22151

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