Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Ganti Rugi dalam Transaksi Multi Akad Gofood

Silvia Sari, Neneng Nurhasanah, Shindu Irwansyah


Abstract. Gofood is an online food or beverage delivery service using driver services. In executing Gofood orders, drivers are exposed to the risks that will occur. There is a risk of loss experienced by drivers due to unilateral cancellation by consumers or fictitious orders. Consumers are not responsible for driver losses. The purpose of this study was to determine the provisions of compensation in multi-contract transactions according to Islamic law, the risk of compensation in Gofood transactions, and analysis of Islamic law for compensation in multi-contract transactions in Gofood The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. Data obtained from field sources (library research). The data that has been collected is processed by the method of analysis and interpretation techniques.The results of the study note that the provision of compensation in multi-contract transactions according to Islamic law is the ijarah contract and the sale and purchase of each party must be responsible if harming the other party is different from the musyarakah contract the risk of loss is shared, the risk of compensation in the Gofood transaction is the risk of loss financial incurred by the driver is compensated by the company, compensation in the multi-contract Gofood transaction in accordance with Islamic law is the compensation relationship between the driver and the restaurant that entered into a sale and purchase agreement and the compensation relationship between the Gojek company and the driver who entered into the akad musyarakah . While compensation that is not in accordance with Islamic law is compensation between the driver and the consumer who makes the ijarah agreement.

Keywords: Compensation, Multi-Contract, Gofood.


Abstrak. Gofood merupakan layanan pesan antar makanan atau minuman melalui online dengan menggunakan jasa driver. Dalam menjalankan orderan Gofood, driver dihadapkan akan resiko resiko yang akan terjadi. Terdapat resiko kerugian yang dialami driver karena adanya pembatalan secara sepihak oleh konsumen atau orderan fiktif. Konsumen tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap kerugian driver.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ketentuan ganti rugi dalam transaksi multi akad menurut hukum islam, resiko ganti rugi dalam transaksi Gofood, dan analisis hukum islam terhadap ganti rugi dalam transaksi multi akad Gofood Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari sumber lapangan (field research) dan sumber data kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa ketentuan ganti rugi dalam transaksi multi akad menurut hukum islam adalah akad ijarah dan jual beli masing-masing pihak harus bertanggung jawab jika merugikan pihak lain berbeda dengan akad musyarakah resiko kerugian ditanggung bersama, Resiko ganti rugi dalam transaksi Gofood adalah resiko kerugian finansial yang terjadi pada driver di ganti oleh perusahaan, ganti rugi dalam transaksi multi akad Gofood yang sesuai dengan hukum islam adalah hubungan ganti rugi antara driver dan restoran yang melakukan perjanjian jual beli dan hubungan ganti rugi antara perusahaan Gojek dengan driver yang melakukan akad musyarakah. Sedangkan ganti rugi yang tidak sesuai dengan hukum islam adalah ganti rugi antara driver dengan konsumen yang melakukan akad ijarah.

Kata kunci: Ganti Rugi, Multi Akad, Gofood.


Ganti Rugi, Multi Akad, Gofood.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/syariah.v6i2.22128

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