Analisis Minat Konsumen Muslim terhadap Penggunaan Jasa Tracking Berbasis Syariah Berdasarkan Metode IPA dan CSI

Sabila Azzahra, Popon Srisusilawati, Muhammad Andri Ibrahim


Abstract. A good marketing strategy in the digital era is very important, periodic evaluations of the strategies adopted by the company are very necessary to meet every customer's desires and needs, insights and thoughts that start to open up making consumers think more broadly in every use of the services or products used , then came the class where the type of Muslim consumers.

Services that are not optimal will have the impact of reduced interest in usage. It is necessary to evaluate the marketing strategy used through the Importance and Performance Analysis and Customer Satification Index methods by looking at relationships with Muslim consumer types. The research was conducted on 100 respondents of SiCepat Express Cibeunying Kaler consumers. From the calculation of the Customer Satification Index can be seen if the value of satisfaction is at 92% which means that in general have been satisfied with the services provided. But according to the Importance Performance Analysis the level of conformity is at 90.8% and the improvement shown in the Cartesian diagram quadrant 1 is in attribute numbers 5,7,8,14,15, and 21.

The types of Muslim consumers who use Apathist are 25%, the type of Muslim consumers is Rationalist 54%, the type of Muslim consumers who are conformist are 12%, and the type of Muslim consumers who are Universalist are 9%.

Keywords: Service quality, marketing strategy applications, importance performance analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfication (CSI), Muslim consumer type 

Abstrak. Strategi marketing yang baik di era digital saat ini sangatlah penting, evaluasi berkala terhadap strategi yang diterapkan perusahaan sangatlah perlu dilakukan untuk memenuhi setiap keinginkan dan kebutuhan konsumen, wawasan dan pemikiran yang mulai terbuka membuat konsumen menjadi berfikir lebih luas dalam setiap penggunaan jasa atau produk yang digunakan, maka munculah kelas dimana tipe konsumen muslim.  

Pelayanan yang tidak maksimal akan memberikan dampak berkurangnya minat terhadap penggunaan. Maka diperlukan evaluasi terhadap strategi marketing yang digunakan melalui metode Importance and Performance Analysis dan Customer Satification Index dengan melihat hubungan dengan tipe konsumen muslim. Peneltian dilakukan terhadap 100 responden konsumen SiCepat Expres Cibeunying Kaler. Dari hasil perhitungan Customer Satification Index dapat dilihat jika nilai kepuasan berada pada 92% yang berarti secara umum telah puas terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan. Tetapi meurut Importance Performance Analysis tingkat kesesuaian berada pada 90,8% dan perbaikan yang ditunjukan pada diagram kartesius kuadran 1 ada pada nomor atribut 5,7,8,14,15, dan 21.

Tipe konsumen muslim yang mengunakan ini yang bersifat Apathist berjumlah 25%, tipe konsumen muslim bersifat Rationalist 54%, tipe konsumen muslim yang bersifat Conformist sebanyak 12%, dan tipe konsumen muslim yang bersifat Universalist sebanyak 9%.

Kata Kunci: Kualitas pelayanan, aplikasi strategi marketing, importance perfoemance analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfication (CSI), Tipe konsumen muslim


Kualitas pelayanan, strategi marketing, importance perfoemance

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