Legal Protection for Creators Creating Cigtains to The Song in Digital Form of Radio in The Framework of Live Interview Reviewed From Law Number 28 of 2014 on Copyright and Book III of The Legal Law

Octy Anugrah Putra


Today so many independent music groups appear to channel their talents in appreciating their creativity. In accordance with its independent name which means free or independent, so many indie bands that appear and establish cooperation with the radio to promote the latest song from the band. Radio has an event content of Live Interview to help promote the latest single tracks from indie bands. During the implementation of live interviews with the radio did not use written agreements, so it may occur the possibility of the song used and announced by other parties who do not have permission, because in Article 8 of Law no. 28 year 2014 on Copyright there states that, Economic rights are the exclusive rights of the creator, so only the copyright holders who get economic benefits over the Creation. According to Copyright Act no. 28 Year 2014 The copyrighted song produced by the indie band is the result of a Work that is protected by exclusive right, such exclusive rights covering economic rights and moral rights only owned by the Creator. In this case, the issues raised are (1) how the legal protection for the songwriter who submits the creation of the song in the form of digital soft files to the radio for the benefit of live interview according to Law Number. 28 of 2014 on Copyright and Book III of the Civil Code Law (2) How does the agreement between the radio and the songwriter submit the creation of a song in digital form for the purposes of a live interview related to Law Number 28 of 2014 and Book III of the Civil Code


Legal Protection, Copyright


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Penjelasan Umum Undang-Undang No.28 tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta, alinea kedua

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