Enforcement of Criminal Criminal Actions Concerning by Conventional Transport Transportation on Online Transportation Controller Connected with The Book of Criminal Law

Mohammad Hilman Mursalat, Euis Dudung Suhardiman


The presence of online transportation in Indonesia has been rejected by conventional transport drivers because people prefer online transport, rather than conventional transportations. In the act of rejection of the online transportation that occurred in several big cities in Indonesia, often ending with anarchist actions that resulted in the emergence of criminal acts of persecution. This research is committed to knowing law enforcement against cases of maltreatment perpetrated by conventional transport drivers to online transport drivers linked to the Criminal Code, and to find out how to overcome the crime of mistreatment of online transport drivers in Indonesia. In this research, approach method used in this research is the normative juridical approach. Specification Research, this study is analytical descriptive. Data type, that is secondary data. Data collection is done through library research (library research) on secondary data. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using qualitative normative methods. The result of this research is law enforcement perpetrator of crime of persecution conducted by conventional transportation driver to online transportation driver arranged in Article 351 until 358 KUHP, but law enforcement action can not be said optimal because there is still often misconduct in society that caused By the low public awareness of the law, and efforts to overcome the crime of persecution perpetrated by conventional transportation drivers of the drivers of online transport is the preventive effort that is by conducting counseling and coaching activities, routine patrols and the placement of community policing in an area prone to acts of abuse. And the repressive effort is to carry out legal process to the perpetrator of the criminal act of maltreatment as regulated in legislation.


Law Enforcement, Persecution, Transportation


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.6635

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