The Study of Juridical Supervision of Cimahi City Environment Office Against Industrial Activity in The Waste Disposal of Liquid into The River Cimeleber B3 in Melong Cimahi

Teuku Rendy Adriansyah, Yeti Sumiati


Cimahi City is a developing industrial area, as seen from the diverse factories established in different industries. The presence of the factories in Cimahi City is very helpful to Cimahi City’s economic wheels. However, behind the positive impact there are also some negative impacts of the factory proliferation. Such negative impacts may occur if the development of industries does not take environmental interest into account. Currently, the rivers in Cimahi City have been polluted, one of its reasons being industrial activities, i.e., liquid B3 waste dumping to the rivers in Cimahi City. The roles of rivers in Cimahi City for the local people are still highly needed in various areas such as agriculture, mining, and people life needs. However, as a result of pollution, the rivers can no longer be utilized. Legal enforcement in environment is carried out by Environment Office which has authority to enforce law in environmental field. The problem dealt with in this mini-thesis concerning the provisions of the supervision of Cimahi City Environment Office according to Local Regulation of Cimahi City Number 15 of 2011 on Waste Water Dumping Control and the supervision of Cimahi City Environment Office on industrial activities in dumping liquid B3 waste to Cimeleber River in Melong Sub-district of Cimahi City. The writing of this mini-thesis used juridical normative and juridical-normative approaches by using secondary data of primary and secondary legal materials. The research specialization used was descriptive-analytical, that is, by describing comprehensively so as to get a comprehensive, systematical description on a juridical study of the supervision of Cimahi City Environment Office over industrial activities in duping liquid B3 waste to Cimeleber River in Melong Sub-district of Cimahi City. The research conclusion was that the provisions of the supervision of Cimahi City Environment Office according to Local Regulation of Cimahi City Number 15 of 2011 on Waste Water Dumping Control have been in conformity with the relevant legislations in attempt to prevent environmental pollution. However, supervision aspect has not been implemented well yet due to some factors, namely, at Environment Office, the lack of human resource and the lack of law enforcement against those who dump environment-polluting wastes


Supervision of Kantor Lingkungan Hidup; The Waste Disposal Of Liquid


Sumber buku:

Daud Silalahi & Kristianto, Hukum Lingkungan Dalam Perkembangan Di Indonesia, Cv Keni Media, Bandung, 2015, Hlm. 102-103.

Hamrat Hamid dan Bambang Pramudyanto. Pengawasan Industri Dalam Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan, Edisi I, Granit, Jakarta, 2007.

Peraturan perundang-undangan:

Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945

Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan Dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup

Peraturan Daerah Kota Cimahi Nomor 15 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pengendalian Pembuangan Air Limbah

Sumber Internet:

Friska Yolanda, Limbah Pabrik Cemari Permukiman Warga di Cimahi,

Sumber Artikel:

Muhammad iqbal dan yeti sumiyati, Pencemaran Udara Akibat Batu Kapur di Kawasan Kars Citatah Dihubungkan dengan Peraturan Daerah Jawa Barat Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara, dalam Spesia, Universitas Islam Bandung, 2016

Sumber Lain:

Hasil Wawancara dengan Eko Triono, Pengawas Lingkungan Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Kota Cimahi, pada tanggal 8 Maret 2017, Pukul 10.00 WIB.


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