Cartels in The Field of Chicken Broiler According to Regulatory Regulation Concerning The Healthy Business Competition and The Circulation Regulation of Chicken Ras

Haifa Hasna, Yeti Sumiati


In Act No. 5 of 1999, Article 11 regulates that a Business Actor is prohibited from entering into an agreement, with a competing business actor, intending to influence prices by regulating the production and or marketing of goods and / or services, which may result in monopolistic practices and / or Unfair business competition. The background of this research is a cartel conducted by 12 companies that make an agreement to do early reinj 6 million DOC with the intention to stabilize DOC prices that have decreased. Early occurrence occurs because the excess production is not directly proportional to the existing supply in the market so that business actors make an agreement to reduce production so that the price of DOC in the market become stable.This study aims to determine the criteria of a cartel in a production agreement under unfair business competition law and circulation rules of chicken and to know cartel in the field of animal husbandry conducted by 12 companies.The research method used by writer is normative juridical research, normative juridical research is to discuss doctrines or principles in jurisprudence. While the method of data analysis used by the author in this research is qualitative. Qualitative data analysis is a study that refers to legislation and then uses systematic interpretation by connecting one article with another in one same law and connecting one article to another under different laws. In Act No. 5 of 1999 and the Regulation of KPPU Number 4 Year 2010 stipulates or implicitly stipulates the Cartel Criteria as follows: (1) Number of business actors, (2) Products on the market are homogeneous, (3) Prevention of entry of business actors (4) the actions of cartel members are easy to observe with a few business actors, (5) adjustments to market changes can be done immediately, (6) large investments, (7) cartel members must agree to reduce production later Raise prices, (8) monitoring is needed to avoid fraud from cartel members. Whereas the 12 companies that make an early warning agreement to influence the DOC price in the market constitute a violation of Article 11 of Act No. 5 of 1999 for entering into an agreement with the intention to influence the price by reducing production and Permentan Number 26/Permenta/PK.230 / 5/2016 Because of unbalanced supply and demand.


Cartel, Unfair Business Competition, Cartel Criteria.


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