Juridical Review Criminal Acts of Extortion in The Were Doing by Members of The Police Force in The Perspective of The Criminal Justice System in Indonesia Connect With Act No. 20 Year 2001 about The Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption

Fadhli Fauzie, Dini Dewi Heniarti


Police of the Republic of Indonesia (POLRI) has an important role in society because its main tasks are able to create national stability as a mentor, guidance, and community service. The tasks assigned to the police certainly require them to be assertive and consistent, but not least the police are stuck on things that are not in accordance with the duties and functions, as is often the case now that the criminal acts of extortion and corruption. The three sectors most vulnerable to corruption are the Political Parties, the Police, and the courts, while the tendency of the public to give the most bribes in nonconstruction, defense and security sectors, oil and gas, banking and property. The research method used in this research is normative juridical. Research using the rules, norms, principles, and legislation relating to the problem under study. This is an analytical descriptive research that provides a comprehensive description of the extortion crimes committed by members of the police force. The results indicate that in the criminal justice system that the extortion case carried out by AKBP Pentus Napitu SH, including to the general criminal act because the police are civilian rather than the subject of military law, AKBP Pentus Napitu SH is included in general justice like civil society in general. In addition, the extortion in Article 368 of the Criminal Code is a general article that can be applied to civil society not excluding members of the police force, but because the extortion has an element of abuse of authority then it is more appropriate to regulate extortion done by AKBP Pentus Napitu SH, 12 letters (e) of Law Number 20 the year 2001 concerning the Criminal Act of Corruption.


Police, Extortion, Corruption


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.6557

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